Dharini Rajaramanan


clinical psychologist

At Little Window on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays



  • Full registration as a Clinical Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner

    Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

  • Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours)

  • Masters in Clinical Psychology

fees and payment

  • Initial consult $300

  • Subsequent session $280

  • Medicare rebate available under a Mental Health Care Plan referral. Rebate for initial consult and subsequent sessions: $141.85

  • Private healthcare rebate available

Hi there, my name is Dharini, and I am so looking forward to meeting you.

From my own experience with seeing a psychologist regularly I understand how vulnerable and new sharing the deepest parts of your life with someone can feel and it is a priority for me to create a safe space for you to feel comfortable doing the same. I believe that for us to feel most connected with each other you deserve my most authentic self too and so you can expect compassion, curiosity, humour, warmth, and a gentle and relaxed approach to sessions.

Through my journey as a Clinical Psychologist, I have found a passion for using Schema Therapy. Schema Therapy delves into understanding our early attachments and life experiences that form our core beliefs about ourselves, the world, and others. Based on our experiences early in life we may develop unhelpful core beliefs and find ourselves struggling to break free from maladaptive and unhelpful behavioural patterns. I know how challenging it can be when we know our thoughts aren’t always reality, but our feelings tell us otherwise. Often our emotions become stuck and together we will work on accessing and processing buried emotions in a way that feels safe and steady for you. I hope to help you break through unhelpful patterns of thinking, challenge your inner critic, and heal from early attachment wounds.

Often, we enter survival modes due to our early experiences and learn to disconnect from our body through avoidance, people-pleasing and more. Spending time slowing down and regulating our nervous system gives us greater access to who we are at the core and helps to build self-confidence and self-trust. As often our body responds to cues before our mind does, I have noticed spending time reconnecting with our body and emotions, not just out thoughts help to develop and strengthen our intuition and meet out authentic selves.

One of the most important aspects in therapy is the relationship that I have with you. Therapy is never a one-size fits all approach as humans are complex and your needs matter to me. So often I have seen that building safety and trust in the therapy relationship seems to gradually pour into areas of life outside the therapy room and I am grateful to be on this journey with you.

My areas of interest include:

  • Attachment and relationship concerns

  • Low self-worth

  • Loneliness and isolation

  • Fear of abandonment

  • People-pleasing

  • Trauma

  • Holistic and spiritual well-being

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Grief

It is important that you know I am here to help you feel seen, understood and less alone. I am on your side, and I look forward to meeting you.